Forgiveness and My responsibility to healing past relationships

Dear my beloved, I truly love you. I recognize you in this experience as my Girlfriend, and I love you. I sincerely apologies for not seeing your beauty; your crying out for love and compassion. I recognize that we may have had many, many experiences together; and it is time that we move forward instead of sideways. Please forgive me my beloved ones for all of the times I have blamed you for any stress that I may be experiencing.

I do not say that I am responsible; rather I say to you let us both together move forward with love and compassion for each other. Let us move forward in selflessness to support each other and let us honor each other. I thank you for being my greatest teacher; my greatest friend; my greatest lover; my greatest child; and my greatest parent. I thank you for all of this and more.

Dear these beautiful souls, I love you. I wish very much to have loving, supportive and honoring communication with you. Please forgive me for anytime I have not honored you when you wanted to speak; forgive me for anytime I have pushed you down when you have felt you had something important to say. Please forgive me when I miss-understood you or your intention. Please forgive me for making my agenda and expectations more important than you Please forgive me for holding you to a standard that you did not agree with. Please forgive me for harming you emotionally. Please forgive me for speaking to you with disrespect. Please forgive me for not listening and validating your feelings and your needs; in a way where you felt completely heard and understood. Please forgive me for not bringing love and compassion to each of our communications. I truly love you and I truly wish for the entity of our future that our relationships prosper and operate on love and compassion.



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