Broken free to let me spread my wings.

I have broken through a barrier, a self-imposed barrier of fear, That held me back from taking the steps I am taking now. These steps feel strange, new, uncertain and exciting. Fear based existence is no longer in operation for me. The relationship I have with fear is rather different. I am the witness not the victim. My consciousness is strong enough to hold in compassion. I will not collapse under any bodies weight or my own. My power as been claimed by my heart.

Its time for me to fly and test my winks, trust and daring I own you. Time for me to learn and accomplish my hearts desire.

What do I want? To truly love another and let go and trust. A beautiful little girl would be nice. Especially as my little boy asked me other the christmas holiday, that he would like a brother or a sister. Been told on two separate occasions from two different ladies, I will have a girl before Sebastian is six. Can’t dismissed this as I was told I was going to have a little boy before Sebastian was born and it happened. We have to believe that the universe as set it out for us. I believe there is no problem there. Just needed to let love in and let go of pain anger other peoples hurt.

Moving forward with all my goals, its like I have a mountain of goals in my brain all stored there from the past twenty years. I can be what I will to be. Spiritually I am going to push my self forward like a steam train. Knowing my life purpose and tuning into to source is top of the list as it should be for every body. You’re her in this live time to learn thinks about our self’s and help humanity move forward. I feel like it’s my purpose to guide others in this journey we call live. Especially young children. A complete list of thinks to achieve in 2017 under my belt, kept to ounce self-people will see in time. No messing this year. Il be letting an abundance of love in and remembering every child like quality I have in my self . Time to be a big kid again

Blessing and light and lots of love


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